The assignment was to take an old disposable camera that I'd found in the basement, jimmy-rig a polarized filter out of an old pair of sunglasses, then shoot what I saw in and around Downtown Holland, Michigan.
Some key takeaways?
- It's not necessarily worth using a filter like this when the clouds are making diffuse light anyway (except when it is)
- Rule Of Thirds is a general guideline, and I hope I didn't create too much imbalance
- Holland has some really cool architecture!
A view of the sidewalk in Holland Heights, looking westward along E. 8th Street |
The entryway to the Windmill Way subdivision, at the corner of Paw Paw Drive and E. 8th St. |
A retaining wall looking west on E 8th St, just a bit down the road from Windmill Way |
Construction in front of Barber Ford, looking westward at US-31. Background has the Shell Station and the plaza where Ditto and the Secretary Of State office are |
Barber Ford looking south along Homestead Drive. Love that Blue Oval! |
The same construction from the corner of US-31 and E. 8th St. Possibly installing fiber? |
The famous DeNooyer Chevy American Flag |
A sign guiding traffic to Windmill Island, out front of the now-closed Quality Gas Station |
This one's really dark, but it's a retaining pond I'd never noticed before |
This one's also dark and I have no idea what it is. |
Behind Our Brewing Co. I'd hoped to capture the birds that were playing in the flowers, but alas, 15 year old film does not a sharp image make. |
The Holland Armory, 16 W. 9th Street, Holland MI 49423 |
Front entrance to the Park Theatre |
The front entrance of City Hall. Hi, Mayor Bocks! |
I'd hoped this was more readable, but alas, old film is not sharp. |
Velo City Cycles, officially endorsed by Tulip City Dispatch as the Coolest Bike Store In Town |
Templo Jerusalén Pentecostal Church of God, 161 W 19th St, Holland, MI 49423. I love the simplistic architecture of this church, standing in stark contrast to buildings like Pillar Church |
House Of The LORD'S Grace, 173 W 20th St, Holland, MI 49423. Very old-school look, harkening back to churches you might find in much smaller, more agrarian towns. |
The old facing part of the Holland Aquatic Center |
The Armed Forces memorial inside Restlawn Memorial Garden |
The mausoleum inside Restlawn Memorial Gardens |
I don't quite know what this structure is inside Restlawn, but I'm incredibly proud of this shot with the light/dark contrast |
More contrast over the Essenburger Family |
Finally, the fieldstone archway that greets visitors and the bereaved at the Paw Paw Drive entrance to Restlawn Memorial Gardens |
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