Hey, the 90s called! They want their golf clubs back!
I found a sweet golf bag at the thriftos:
That is, a vintage Ben Hogan staff bag! Last time I saw a bag this big and leathery, I had to tell Grandpa to shut the bathroom door!
So, naturally, I had to play a round!
I played 9 holes at Clearbrook Golf Course in Saugatuck, MI with these clubs. It was rough, to say the least. I definitely hit more consistently with modern clubs. But, it was fun for the nostalgia of it all!
I sold the Scotty Cameron Bullseye to a fellow collector, and was able to use some of those funds to pay for this round of golf! In lieu of that, I used the Ping Zing 2 putter that I used in last year's challenge. While the Zing 2 putter doesn't strictly fit into the 90s theme, nothing actually matters and I'm just some douche on the internet, so you can go suck my putter.
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