The time is nigh - AskReddit has begun asking questions like " What advice would you give to an incoming college freshman ?" Since life ebbs and flows like it does, I find myself returning to academia this fall - and with a decade of struggles under my belt , I've been contemplating these questions myself: Compared to last go-round, what am I going to do differently this time? What would I tell myself when I was 18? Would 18 year old me even listen? I went from Dean's List to Academic Probation within 2 school years - I got cocky and developed a piss-poor attitude, plain and simple. What I'm doing differently this time is what led to that dean's list success in my first semesters: Arranging study groups and outside class activities to build rapport among my classmates and further our mutual understanding of the course content. My success as a freshman can be directly correlated to external study groups and being social among my classm...