It's been a full year now that a state of emergency was declared by former president Trump for the Novel Coronavirus CoVid19.
Friday the 13th, 2020, was the last day that I ventured out maskless. I remember heading into Sam's Club that afternoon and seeing the place nearly vacant. I grabbed the last flat of canned beans, and prepared for locking down for 2 weeks - a pattern that would repeat throughout 2020. As an aside, I made sure to keep 2 weeks of supplies through the 2020 election through President Biden's inauguration, and after the Trumpist insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6, I'm very glad I did so.
The uncertainty was palpable back then - hence, my articles perusing the old headlines and papers from 1918, trying to parse out any useful, pertinent information. The facts are that the world hasn't seen a pandemic like this in over a century. Nobody alive will have any sort of useable advice.
I look at the fucking Trumpist militias gathering on the Capitol building in Lansing protesting mask wearing (to prevent droplets from spreading; droplets which carry the Coronavirus to others), and wonder how they'd react to mandatory power outages during World War II, as detailed in this memoir.
Wash your hands, wear your mask, and please be mindful and careful. 100% compliance from 100% of people is not necessarily what we need. Slip-ups are okay. What we need is most of the people to do the best that they can until we're out of this mess. We need diligence and a collective effort - something which stands in direct contention with our American individualism.
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