Charlie's Dump, the Georgetown Soccer Bowl, and Rosewood Park all describe the same common area in Jenison, Michigan, at the northeast corner of 20th Ave. and Rosewood St. It's, simply put, a giant pit surrounded by residential subdivisions (and lately, a nice playground). It was our local sledding hill. It was where we'd go in the winters. Every year, it seemed, one kid would come to school with a broken arm. There were low-key "gangs" that would push and shove you if you went down the wrong side of the 4-sided structure. And, late at nights, the bad kids (you know, the ones who would smoke cigarettes underneath the Rush Creek bridge on 12th Ave. or ride BMX bikes behind the Pizza Hut on Baldwin) would tip over the port-a-potties and push them down the hill. Starting at the rim and going down the hill, there's a bump about halfway down that served as a launch ramp for kids on sleds. The really cool kids could manipulate their sleds mid-air, doi...