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Showing posts from November, 2020

Giant Fucking Political Signs

Per the Holland Charter Township municipal code: Temporary yard signs on residential property. a. Signs shall be limited to one sign per lot of record in agricultural and residential districts . One extra sign is permitted during a time period of 45 days prior to an election date to 15 days after the election date. b. Each sign shall not exceed six square feet in area . c. Signs shall be subject to a ten-foot setback from any property line and right-of-way . As I drive around and still see large political campaign signs, I can't help but wonder why 2 specific candidates' signs get exemptions to this rule.

Thrift Store Challenge update

 I'm not having a lot of luck.  I'll be honest - things have dried up around the local thrift shops.  So far, what I've had luck finding is a $3 bag, any of several $2 putters, a 1 iron, and a 10 iron (each for $2).  I've found a lot of really good single clubs, but per my rules laid forth in the previous post, I want to stick with finding a complete set of matching irons - this means that the Wilson Dyna-Power singles will have to stay as they're only available as a 4 iron and a 6 iron...I'd have to piecemeal the rest of the set. Stay tuned for some golf ball dissections in the coming weeks!