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Virus Update 3/25

On Monday the 23rd, Governor Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-21, which is known as the "Stay Home, Stay Safe" act.  It defines "essential" versus "nonessential" businesses, orders nonessential businesses closed, sets up legal repercussions for nonessential businesses that ignore these orders, and encourages citizens to act safely:  continuing social distancing by maintaining a 6-foot radius bubble around yourself if you need to go out, only journey out for necessary means (including things like food, gas, supplies, or for work if you're in an essential position).  The EO expires on April 13, and was presented as a last-ditch effort to "flatten the curve" of infection in our state.  The full text can be seen here:,9309,7-387-90499_90705-522626--,00.html

Gov. Whitmer set it up like this:  Michigan's population is roughly 10 million people.  If we take a 70% infection rate (which this virus has seen in other areas of the world), that means 7 million possible infections.  If 20% of that population needs hospitalization, that's 1.4 million people requiring hospital beds, and per her address, the entire State of Michigan only has about 25,000 beds in intensive care units, of which 60% are occupied at any given time for normal things like heart attacks.  1.4 million people competing for 10,000 beds is a severe imbalance.

Now, take it up a step or two:  Of those infected, approximately 2% have been shown to be fatal.  Worst case scenario, based on these numbers, is 140,000 deaths.

Michigan keeps an updated list on their website of infections:,9753,7-406-98163-520743--,00.html
The number of infections, based on percentage, has been relatively constant:  Roughly 40% of positive cases in Michigan are ages 60 and older.  Yes, that means that 60% of infections are from those 59 years of age and younger, but if we take that only 20% of the State's population are 60 and older, that's a tremendously disproportionate infection rate.

With that being said, stay home, stay safe.


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