...ok, so the official title is "Pet A Pig Or A Pony At Fellinlove Farm," but hear me out: Shortly after Fellinlove opened, we went to a Live Nativity at Fellinlove! The flier that I linked was dated 2016, which definitely lines up with my memories of the event. For some reason, we were brought into the animal area - we might've gotten there toward the end of the actual live nativity happenings or something. There was a little nudge on my leg, so I looked down and saw a goat staring up at me. I scratched the lil' guy behind the ears, and he nudged my leg again. I started walking away and he followed. Ever so gently, he reached up and nibbled my fingertips. I can't reiterate how gentle it was. Turns out, the goat was very tame, and had gotten accustomed to getting treats whenever a guest came into the animal area...normally, guests are sequestered from the animal area, and only volunteers are allowed. The goat, through no faul...