Free beer, free beer, that's my favorite brand, sing Da yoopers, if I didn't have to buy it, it's the best beer in the land. So, too, says Your Favorite Uncle At Thanksgiving. Warm, flat, funky, it don't matter to me, the greatest beer in this whole world is the one you buy for me. But then, the side comments set in: "Sam Adams? That tastes like shit." "Founders? Yeah, I worked there when they were brewing. The hops smelled like sewage - they smelled like sewage! I called my guys off because I thought we broke a sewer line!" "Want a Bud? No? You brought your own? You're a beer snob now." "I don't drink that yuppy beer." "I like Busch because Busch Light is too redneck for me" I'd like to posit the idea that Baby Boomers don't really even like beer. By 1910, before Prohibition, there were 1,498 breweries in the United States. By 1979, that number dwindled to fewer than 50. While the quantity...