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Showing posts from September, 2021

A Rebuttal To *Robert Evans: The Joe Rogan Of The American Left*

 User TheOriginalBigDave on Reddit recently wrote the following scathing review of Robert Evans and his content material , instead calling Robert Evans "The Ben Shapiro Of The American Left:" Yeah, you heard me. I know this is the most unpopular thing to post, but it's been bouncing around in my head for a while, and I couldn't think of another place to say it. Know what the difference is between Robert Evans and Ben Shaprio? Ben Shaprio probably makes less money then Robert Evans. Otherwise, they're the exact same. Shapiro says don't trust the media because its controlled by the democrats, Evans says don't trust the media because they manufacture consent. Both of them do the whole contrarian 'Im just saying' bullshit, both of them indirectly encourage streetfighting and buying firearms for 'self-defence', both of them actively want a second American Civil War, and both of them have come real close to advocating for the assassinat...

The 9/11 Article

 Memories are a tricky thing.  Frustratingly fallible and easily swayed, I've heard it explained as though every time you're recalling an event, you're actually recalling the last time you've recalled that event - you're remembering a memory.  Each time a memory is brought up, details get fuzzier and fuzzier, losing fidelity over time.  This is one of the reasons that, for example, criminal lineups are notoriously unreliable . Memories are also formed around specific events and anchors.  This can be utilized and manipulated to your benefit using a Memory Palace .  By creating something tangible, your brain will latch on to more and more information, allowing for more clear recall.  And, if memories are all we have, isn't recall the best part of anything? The September 11, 2001 terror attacks on New York City, Washington DC, and Somerset County, PA, became the first of many "Where were you when..." moments for my generation.  As I was thinking abo...